The automaker has committed to achieving Level 4 autonomy for the vehicles it builds by 2025. Level 4 autonomy would handle all driving tasks without requiring human intervention though it would always be an option, essential to achieving accident-free roads, the company said. Honda earlier announced a goal to attain Level 3 autonomy by 2020. That would mean ‘highly automated freeway driving,’ reports emerging technologies web magazine, New Atlas. The top level is Level 5, which is full autonomy without driver intervention. The new announcement indicates ‘how quickly these technologies and the industry as a whole is advancing.’ At the top of the self-driving food chain will be Level 5 cars, as determined by the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), in which a steering wheel (or even forward-facing seats) will be optional.

Honda intends to have Level 4 autonomous vehicles by 2025. That means they mostly drive themselves. (PHOTO: HONDA)